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Our Revolutionised, Ground-Breaking Software Update

We’re constantly seeking new ways to improve our service and provide you with tremendous value. We genuinely want to see you succeed and grow. And, your bookkeeping is the unsung tool to help you get there…which is why we’re so excited to announce our revolutionised, ground-breaking software update.

We’ve taken number reconciliation to the next level.

revolutionise image

But, we can only be revolutionary with your support. To access this service we need you to connect your bank account by 7.10.20.

This is only the beginning. Once you’re connected we will be rolling out more enhanced features.

Connect your bank account (in less time than it takes to make a cuppa tea).

Watch our short video that walks you through the process.


  1. Login
  2. Go to Company Profile tab > ‘Integrations’
  3. Click on ‘Set Up Bookkeeping Integration’
  4. Skip step 1 & 2 as the date is fixed to pull transactions only from the current month onwards and you’re already connected to Xero
  5. Add bank account
  6. Click refresh and select the corresponding account in Xero and click Continue

You're all done!

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